The Cricket is a Kontakt Instrument sampled from a "Grillo Parlante" (the same as a "Speak & Spell").
Grillo Parlante is Italian for "jimmy the Cricket" in Pinocchio story.
The Cricket contains all samples from an Italian Speak and Spell.
There are all single letters, all bleeps, all messages and 120 complete words, everything is in Italian Language.
There are 7 Sets of samples, selectable with a menu in the upper part.
Each Set has all letters from A-Z mapped to white keys starting at C2.
Letters are also playable by clicking on the corresponding button in the UI.
White keys on C1 octave contain various bleeps.
All sets containing words have them mapped on black keys, ranging from C#1 up to C7 or C8 octave.
The Samples folder in the ZIP file contains all samples in WAV format for use in any other sampler or DAW.
There are a Filter, an LFO with assignable routing (to pitch/filter) a Lo-Fi unit, Tune, Volume controls and a Reverb on board.
All Samples are copyright 2017 Autodafe, taken from my original unit.
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