One of my "dreams" has always been to ve able to have a Virtual Modular system such as VCV Rack (of Softube Modular or Cherry Audio Voltage MOdular) alongside my "real" (or physical) Modular Setup.
With the aid of Cardinal (a 100% Open-Source fork of VCV Rack), a Rasperry PI and a few othe components I was able to create an Eurorack Model to fit in my Eurorack System.
Here's how I did it.
In this video, I'll walk you through the installation and configuration of Node-RED 2.x, so you can get it up and running in just a few minutes.
Please refrain from asking for the firmware. Watch the video carefully, and you should be able to download it yourself. There are little hints…
Also, here's the command to remove quarantine from the .component file:
sudo /usr/bin/xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/NodalRed2x.component
sudo xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/NodalRed2x.component
There's an additional video on How to add and Load patches, which are not contained in the firmware: • Nodal Red 2x - How to add new Patches
Write comment (0 Comments)The Hothouse Guitar Pedal (Cleveland Music's Reverb) includes high-quality circuitry for audio I/O buffering, power filtering, voltage regulation, and noise reduction, all integrated into the main PCB. To complete the setup, simply solder the pots, switches, LEDs, jacks, and ribbon cables. Insert your Daisy Seed, and you're ready to dive in.
The Electrosmith Daisy Seed is a versatile microcontroller designed for music applications. Cleveland Music’s "Hothouse" DIY pedal kit transforms the Daisy Seed into a functional hardware pedal, enabling you to build custom DSP effects and digital synthesizers—no breadboard prototyping required.
I beta tested the new (and first) Virtual Synth fo Acustica Audio. HEre's a quick demo of the onboard Arpeggiated Presets
How to set up multi-outputs in Addictive Drums using Logic Pro on your Mac. This setup will let you have full control over each drum element, so you can mix your drums just like a real kit!